
Batman Beyond (1999)

Batman Beyond is an animated action-adventure television series set twenty years after the events of Batman: The Animated series. Bruce Wayne, now in his twilight years, continues to fight crime with new gadgets, suits, and tech - but his old age has revealed that even the Caped Crusader has limits. Enter Terry McGinnis, a teenager with athletic prowess and a strong sense of justice. When pursued by a gang one night, Terry is helped by the elderly Bruce Wayne - an event that leads to Terry's training as the new generation Batman.

Batman Beyond TV Poster
Batman Beyond

Will Friedle, Kevin Conroy, Cree Summer, Lauren Tom, Frank Welker, Stockard Channing, Angie Harmon
Release Date
January 10, 1999
The WB
DC Animated Universe
Alan Burnett, Paul Dini, Stan Berkowitz, Rich Fogel, Hilary Bader, Bob Goodman, Gerry Conway
Story By
Bob Kane, Bill Finger


Featured image: Batman Beyond villains of Blight, Inque, Spellbinder 1
"The Batman Beneath": DC's Evil Future Batman Is the Nemesis Batman Beyond Always Deserved

The Batman Beneath meets the Batman Beyond as Bruce Wayne's successor Terry McGinnis is met with the archrival who can finally challenge him.

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Batman Beyond Cosplay Turns Terry McGinnis into a Freaky Zombie Superhero

In a jaw-dropping transformation, a mind-blowing Batman Beyond cosplay resurrects Terry McGinnis as an undead superhero, just in time for Halloween.

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"It Punched Him in the Heart": Batman Beyond Fully Rejects Bruce Wayne’s Ultimate Flaw

Batman is a symbol larger than Bruce Wayne, yet Terry McGinnis continues to grapple with moving beyond his legacy of distrust, control, and secrecy.

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Batman Beyond's New God-Level Villain Combines the Power of 3 DC Metahumans

There's a dark god slumbering beneath Gotham City, as Batman Beyond reveals the terrifying villain that Bruce Wayne couldn't stop.

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"The Single Most Cursed Person in the Entire World": Batman Beyond's New Sidekick Reveals His Secret Mentor

As Batman and Kyle the Catboi navigate the recesses beneath Gotham Deep, the truth about Terry's magical mentor — and his past — finally comes out.

Foreground: Batman Beyond, spliced into a Man-Bat. Background: Batman falling as he is attacked by bats. 1
One Iconic Batman Beyond Element Finally Debuts in the DCU

One of Neo-Gotham's most iconic features — the existence of animal-hybrid "splicers" — appears to be making its debut in the DCU at long last.

Batman Beyond Exposes the Dark Knight's Most Evil Contingency Plan

Batman is never short on plans, but leaving Killer Croc locked away as a forgotten guard dog takes things to an unexpectedly cruel level.

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Batman Beyond's New Sidekick Fixes the Bat-Family's Biggest Weakness

As they venture deeper into the layers beneath Old Gotham, Terry discovers that his companion Catboi has one tool Bruce Wayne never used...magic.

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Batman Beyond Turned Bruce's Darkest Plan into Nightwing's Living Hell

Bruce Wayne’s plan to perpetuate his Batman legacy is flawed — and he knows it — but that doesn't stop him from hurting one of his loved ones.

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Why Nightwing Didn't Replace Bruce in the Batman Beyond Timeline

Fans of Batman Beyond have often wondered what happened to Dick Grayson in this universe. Here's the answer — along with why he never became Batman.

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Batman Beyond Debuts the Stunning Final Form of an Iconic Gotham Villain

Batman Beyond has a habit of expanding on the ideas and characters that originated in the original Batman, including and especially 1 classic villain.

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"The Most Terrifying Court to Ever Exist": Batman Beyond Is Introducing the Court of Owls' Twisted Final Form

Batman Beyond is set to face the Court of Owls, but they have assumed a new and twisted form, with a literal army of Talons buried beneath Neo-Gotham.

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"The Gotham Deep:" Batman Beyond Unveils Gotham's Final Form Without Bruce Wayne

Bruce Wayne dedicated his life to protecting Gotham. But without Batman in the picture, the darkest parts of the city's underbelly have become "Hell."

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Batman Beyond Gave Hush the Death He Deserves

In the near future of Batman Beyond, Gotham villain Hush gets the death he deserves, as the master planner faces a fate he never saw coming.

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Batman Beyond's Future Had 2 Jokers Return From the Dead

Batman Beyond introduced fans to the Jokerz gang, but it wasn't without the original Clown Prince of Crime--in fact, 2 Jokers returned from the dead.

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Bad News, Keaton's Batman Beyond Movie Depends On The Flash, Claims Kevin Smith

It turns out that The Flash could have led to a Batman Beyond movie with Michael Keaton if the DCEU installment had been a box-office success.

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Batman Beyond & Spider-Man 2099 Unite in Fanart Marvel & DC Shouldn't Ignore

Batman Beyond and Spider-Man 2099 are fan-favorite iterations of their present day counterparts, with new fanart putting them on the same team!

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Batman Beyond Villains Get Their Own Movie Posters in Must-See Fanart

Batman Beyond introduced more than a few villains that instantly became iconic, with this new fanart giving four of them their own character posters!

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Batman Beyond Cosplay Proves Terry's Scarier Than Bruce (& It's Not Close)

Batman Beyond gets an even more futuristic upgrade thanks to this incredible cosplayer showing him in a future where he's the true Dark Knight.

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Batman Beyond's Future Batsuit Origin Is Finally Revealed

DC Comics has revealed new details about how Terry McGinnis' incredibly powerful costume from Batman Beyond was first developed in the DCAU.

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